Under The Veil of Night

Chapter 49 Small Break

Looking towards that big stack of newspaper, Kanae wondered if her best friend wanted to open a newspaper store. Each of them belonged to a different place, but their front page report was almost all the same; the kidnapping incident of Sakura Nali.

"Let me see," Kanae stretch her hand and picked one of them.

Princess from Nali Family was kidnapped!

The little princess from Nali Family was kidnapped on her school yesterday. The police stated that they got the information from another student who witnesses the situation and called them. The information proved to be precious as they managed to catch the culprit...

"It’s quite long."

Alice took a different newspaper. The contents were mostly the same. They were reporting how the incident happened. Still, the name Kanae never appeared in any of the newspaper. All they mentioned was the fact that there was a student who called the police.

Towards the media, Kanae preferred things to be this way. It would not do her any good to have her name being spread out like wildfire. With her last name was the same with Sakura, people might pay more attention to her, something she detested very much.

"It has been a few days, but the news doesn’t die down," Misae commented as she picked the newspaper again.

"There’s rarely any event that involves those big families, so once the news emerges, they will fill the front page very often," Kanae explained.

There were several big families in this city, and Nali Family was only one of them. However, each family always tried to control the information about them that was spread among the people. Except for those events that the host, there was not much news about them. Something like this incident was bound to make the journalist very happy and chased after the news like hungry wolves.

"We can’t go out from the school freely now," Alice wore a bitter smile.

There were many journalists waiting on the front gate. Although they didn’t try to stop the students, they still tried to get the information about the incident. Most of the students didn’t even know until the newspaper was out, so they couldn’t say anything.

On the other hand, those from Student Council shut their mouth and didn’t let any news leaked out. They would not let this incident disturb their peace.

Kanae smiled wryly. "Thankfully we have finished cleaning up after the party.

"Now that you say that, when will the Student Council host another event?" Misae’s eyes lit up in anticipation.

"I doubt it will be in near time. We’re having end term exams in three weeks, right?"

Hearing the word end term exams, Misae groaned. "Don’t remind me about them! They’re making me crazy."

"If you don’t skip classes so much to help Student Council, I’m sure you can do well," Kanae teased.

"Don’t say nonsense!"

Misae did skip some classes with the excuse of helping the Student Council. Although they were not much, for someone who has lacking ability in learning, they were simply a disaster.

Alice pointed to the papers on Misae’s table. "None of them are above the passing grade."

"Actually, they turn to the worst."

Kanae has looked at the score, and she felt that her eyes were seeing all red. If preciously Misae still got around 40-50, now they were only 20-40. It was a drastic drop for Misae.

"Until you can study well, I’ll not allow you to skip class for Student Council again."

"You meanie," Misae pouted. She liked to go to the Student Council very much because she could meet with those handsome seniors. Although they were only polite to her at most, she still liked the attention they gave to her. After all, she could see their face at close range.

Kanae shook her head. "Besides, we don’t have school tomorrow, right?"

The school reported that they would close down because there would be a clash between a clan and a gang on the street. In fear the students would be implicated, they got two days off.

"You’re right," Misae sighed. "And here I’m still hoping to meet with the seniors and knowing them even better."

The three of them went on their banter until the class started. During the class, both Misae and Alice paid close attention to the teacher while Kanae was sleeping peacefully. They truly wondered if Kanae would be able to stay awake in the class if she changed her job.

When it was time for lunch, they dragged the sleepy Kanae to the canteen. They truly wondered what this little girl did to make her very sleepy.

"The sleeping princess is very sleepy today," Tommy remarked when he saw Kanae already slumped her head on the table once again.

Misae nodded her head. "Yeah, can’t you wake her up?"

"No way, I’ll just let her sleep as much as she wants."

From the back, Jay shook his head and took the seat near Misae. "She has finished her meal too, so there’s no need to worry so much."

"But she’s sleeping too much," Misae complained.

"The news about the kidnapping incident, I bet it makes the Nali Family’s Residence to be in chaos. I couldn’t imagine how many of them waiting in front of the gate."

"Kanae don’t live with her cousin, right?" Misae stared back at Jay and Tommy.

The two boys looked towards each other and shrugged. Although they usually clashed with each other, they still talked a lot.

Alice tried to speak up, "Tommy, you’re not sleeping today?"

"Nah, this annoying man drags me out from my peaceful slumber," Tommy pointed his finger towards Jay. If not because Jay asked him to eat, he wouldn’t even come here and stayed in the infirmary to sleep.

"That’s because I want to challenge you again after this," Jay grinned.

These two boys were still as competitive as ever. Misae chose to ignore them as she focused on the food before her. She was not like Kanae who ate everything at lightning speed. She still took her time to enjoy each dish.

"The girls are slow," Tommy said after several minutes. The foods on his plate were already clear.

Jay gulped the food on his mouth and complained, "You’re the one who’s too fast in eating."

"If I’m not fast, it’ll get snatched."

"We’re not that hungry to take your food."

Tommy shook his head. "Not in the school, but in my usual daily life. I have to eat it fast or they will snatch it."

"Your siblings?"

"I’m the only child in my family."

"Who’re ’they’?"

Tommy yawned. "They’re my buddies who used to play with me. We rarely meet lately, but when we eat together, the foods are always a mess. We have to be quick or the food on the table will disappear."

Alice giggled. "That sounds fun."

"No, that sounds like a problem," Misae shook her head. If she had to eat that fast, there was no doubt that she would only eat the leftovers. After all, her speed in eating was slow.

"We can try that someday."

"No way!"

The four of them became very noisy that they didn’t realize the time was up until the bell rang. Misae’s face paled as she looked towards the foods on her plate. There were still some leftovers.

"I’ll help you eat them."

"What are you two talking about? Ah, don’t touch my food!"

Kanae woke up and saw her friends fought with each other. She shook her head and decided to help Misae getting her food back.

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