Monster Factory

Chapter 84: You are going to be ok

Not far away from the screams, Ye Qing turned around and found the chaos that was near where the free juice promotion that was happening. On the face of many onlookers were signs of fear and distress.

The nearby filers and other male workers, upon hearing the screams, immediately dropped whatever they were doing and rushed over.

Ye Qing also quickly rushed over, and tried to squeeze past the blocking crowd.

Then as soon as he saw the scene, he clearly felt his heart going up through his throat.

The girl who was just telling him to not eat inside, right now was laying down on the display stage in complete pain. Her left hand was caught inside of the juicer that had its plastic casing removed.

When Ye Qing was leaving, the product promoter was telling the customers how to clean the stainless steel inners and grinding wheel. Yet, within a minute, how did this happen?

“Niannian, my poor Niannian!” The girl’s mom right now was whirling tears and beside her daughter in complete shock and despair.

“It’s not my fault, it really isn’t my fault.” That female promoter was also dumbstruck, and completely pale faced: “I only pressed the cleaning button, this girl here just slipped and fell onto the machine.”

The crowd of onlookers was full of: holy shit, and it’s over now kind of words.

Several of the workers who rushed over, seeing the tragedy, all called out for someone to call 911.

There was also another worker who rushed to the home improvement section, and came back with a toolbox to try to crack open the machine.

Trickles of blood, following along the grooves of the grinding wheels flowed out. The little girl having already forgotten about the pain and shock, was staring at her hand in disbelief.

Her mom’s despairing cries beside her, had her lost on what to do next, she looked around with begging eyes, and saw Ye Qing’s heart aching eyes.

“Get out of my way!” Ye Qing violently roared at the people who were trying to get a better view of the accident.

The people who were all trying to push forward to get a better look were scared awake by Ye Qing’s roar, and they all took a couple steps back.

Ye Qing, taking a quick glance at the machine’s screws, picked up the right screwdriver from the toolbox beside him, and with the worker who brought over the toolbox, began to take the juicer apart.

“Quick, someone quickly take a sling or a belt, and keep her arm raised to stop the excessive bleeding!” While taking the machine apart, Ye Qing roared.

Those who work in the mechanical sector, would all have heard of or partook in some mechanical accident. Back at the old factory, he constantly heard the workers and his father talk about them.

This brand of juicer actually had a pretty safe design. But due to it being a promotional product, it had its casing removed, so when the cleaning button was pressed, everyone was able to see the grinding wheels turning.

With all of those coincidences put together, an accident of this severity was bound to happen.

Ye Qing, while being heartbroken, could only thank the Lords for the lack of torque in the grinding wheel.

The little girl’s mom, while crying out a river of tears, begged for Ye Qing to help.

Another 2 workers joined in the rescue. They lifted up the machine so that Ye Qing could get a full grasp of the machine, and to prevent excessive bleeding from the arm. At the same time, some of the onlookers were already on their phones calling 911.

But half of the little girl’s arm was already stuck in the stainless steel inners of the machine. Ye Qing, having detached the machine from the base, found that the grinding wheels had already gotten stuck with the stainless steel inners. If they were to forcefully remove the girl’s arm from there, then they would really rip her arm apart.

Furthermore, the stainless steel inners were welded together, so there was absolutely no way for them to rip it apart.

From first look, there were 2 things to be happy about.

One, the girl’s left hand had her palm facing the grinders. If it was the back of the hand, then her finger bones would already be broken by now.

Two was the small amount of excessive bleeding, meaning the girl’s level of damage wasn’t as serious as it looked.

A man with a floor manager label, ran over out of nowhere covered in sweat. The accident here was reported to him by his subordinates right after it happened. He first scolded the female worker completely upside-down and then some, then came over to the girls mom, and told her that they would take full responsibility.

Ye Qing took a pair of pliers, with few decisive strokes cut of the power line, and then unscrewed all the screws near the motor. This way he could actually remove the motor from the stainless steel inners.

Taking a look at the machine’s packaging, then looking at the other juicer, he tried the cleaning button to see the revolution speed of the grinding wheels.

“It’s not as bad as it looks, while under cleaning mode, the motors will turn at a very slow revolution. This kind of slow revolution also means a low flow of power, so there won’t be that much damage.”

Ye Qing gave the girl a reassuring look: “Hospital first, let the doctors decide how to proceed. One of you hold her arm up, I’ll drive everyone over.”

A brave male worker, held the little girl’s wrist in one hand, and had the other hold onto the stainless steel inners. Then Ye Qing princess carried the little girl and rushed towards the building’s parking lot on the other side of the street.

From here to the People’s Hospital of Zhongyun was only 10 plus kilometers. From when the accident occurred up to now, only several minutes had passed. Whether or not an ambulance had already left was definitely a question, but driving the Lagonda would undoubtedly be faster.

“Thanks Big brother.” The little girl dug further into Ye Qing’s embrace with an even paler face. The aching pains coming from her hand had her tears uncontrollably flow out.

“No problem. So little girl what’s your name?”

“My name is An Sinian, Big brother...... My hand...... Is going to be fine right?” An Sinian’s other hand was busying brushing away her tears, and she tightly clenched her mouth right after speaking.

“Definitely, I saw, it’s not serious at all.” Ye Qing reassured her again.

An Sinian’s mom followed behind them, completely out of her wits.

The sweating bullets supermarket manager, took another car and brought two other workers to the hospital.

Jaywalking across the street, and ignoring everyone else’s sight, Ye Qing ran over to his car, and had the supermarket employee and the little girl sit in the back.

When everyone’s seated, the Lagonda roared out in a flash, the roars from the engine set off all the nearby car’s anti-theft system underground.

Running 2 red lights, when the Lagonda got to the People’s Hospital of Zhongyun, only 17 minutes had passed.

Right now was currently working hours, so there were more than enough hands on deck at the hospital. Just as they rushed into the emergency lobby, several nurses on call were already running towards them.

The stainless steel inners blocked the path of X rays. Unable to determine the condition of the hand bones, An Sinian was directly moved into the surgery room, while Ye Qing and the others were left outside.

Inside the surgery room, the nurses exchanged the makeshift sling for a brand new one, then picked up a pair of scissor, and swiftly opened up the left sleeve. Two doctor with surgery gowns came out of the disinfectant room, carefully examined the palm that was stuck inside of the stainless steel clump, and found that the stainless steel inners and the grinding wheels were very tightly stuck together; impossible to remove either of them.

Using a medical endoscope to examine the inside of the stainless steel clump by following along the grooves, the doctors found that the damages to An Sinian’s fingers weren’t severe at all. It was just that the grinding wheels had a tight grip on it, thus, due to lacking blood flow to the fingers, it had began to turn purple.

“Call the fire department to come cut it open.” A doctor told the nurses to make the call.

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