The Human Giant

Chapter 199 199: Two Hundred Thousand

"Sir, is it true that you heard a demon roar?" 

Mixed within the crowd, a young child walked over to Luvi with curious eyes while holding onto a brown teddy bear. Looking at the young child, Luvi nodded his head slowly before saying.

"Not only did I hear the roar of a demon but a furious scream from an immortal. I had already left the Beast Hunter Sect\'s territory when I heard them, but even then, I could hear them." 

"The battle between the demon and immortal was intense as the forest was destroyed during their fight. In the end, I saw a huge explosion engulfing a large part of the forest and the Beast Hunter Sect."

"Kid, you don\'t have to worry about these things since the town\'s army will do everything in its power to make sure that demon is dead. Maybe they will even meet the immortal that is fighting the demon." Luvi said with a simple smile before walking to another soldier to give encouraging words.

Hearing Luvi\'s conversation with the young child and listening to several similar conversations, Yoze had figured out that the so-called demon and immortal they were talking about was just an immortal Welse who he had killed. It made sense, given the level of destruction that occurred in the Beast Hunter Sect\'s territory, that New Swamp Town sent their army to check it out.

He could only imagine how terrified each of the soldiers, government officials, and citizens of the town must be feeling, knowing that not too far away from them, a battle that belonged to fairy tales had happened in reality. If he had heard the news that a fight between an immortal and a demon had almost wiped out the entire territory of a sect by accident, Yoze was sure that he would have had to consider carefully if he should go to the battlefield.

Since Yoze knew that this hold was caused by him, he had no interest in pursuing this matter any longer. He went around the town gate and jumped over the wall with his white tiger and giant serpent wrapped around his arm. After getting into the town, Yoze directly went over to the Town Hall to collect the money that he was owed for destroying two sects.

As he reached the town hall, Yoze noticed that the Town Hall was noticeably empty, with only a few people managing everything. There weren\'t even any guards guarding the Town Hall, so Yoze walked straight to the counter where a young man with organizing the stacks of papers.

The young man, who looked to be in his early twenties, wore a simple black uniform with the logo of a famous school on his shoulders. Paired with his large backpack filled to the brim with papers and textbooks, Yoze could tell that this young man came from a wealthy family and was trying to become a government official, potentially a scholar.

To Yoze, the young receptionist\'s mind must have been occupied as he kept repeatedly stacking the same papers before taking them out. He didn\'t even notice that Yoze was standing before him until Yoze rang the bell on the desk.

"Huh, is there something you need?" Then, snapping out of his distracted state, the young man looked at Yoze with confusion.

"I am here to collect the money that I was promised by a general in the army for destroying a few martial arts sects." Yoze calmly told the young man.

"Ahh, yes, you finally arrived. I was told that someone would be coming soon. We have already prepared the money. All we need are the names of the sects you have destroyed as a confirmation." The young man\'s eyes snapped wide open as he looked excited and hastily asked Yoze to name the sects he destroyed.

"I destroyed the Martial Wheel Sect and the Beast Hunter Sect." 

"That is two bringing the total to 200,000 silver. We have turned that amount into gold slips of paper, if you don\'t mind. You can exchange them at any point for gold coins at any town or city hall." The Young man said quickly as he took out several piles of golden paper tied together with multiple leather straps.

"I don\'t mind at all," Yoze said as he took the money and left once, he confirmed that nothing else was needed from him.

"Wait a minute, did he say he destroyed the Beast Hunter Sect? Wasn\'t it destroyed by the fight between a demon and an immortal? How could he have destroyed it?" The young man stood up with a face of enlightenment and shock and immediately ran outside to catch Yoze.

Unfortunately, by the time he had come to that realization and ran outside, Yoze had long left the area and was on his way home to meet his family. When the young man saw that he had missed his chance, his bright mood quickly dipped as he lowered his shoulders in sadness.

"I am so getting fired for this mistake. Hopefully, they don\'t make me pay it all back. Or I\'m never going to be able to pay back and have to give my grandchildren to pay for it." The young man heaved a sigh and walked back inside to write a report on his mistake.

After writing his report, the young man packed up his bag and locked the town hall building to prevent any other person from being able to access it until the morning. Then, making sure he didn\'t accidentally make another major mistake again, like leaving the windows open, the young man ran urgently toward the city gate.

"Hopefully, Grandpa Blood Stone doesn\'t get too mad when I tell him about my mistake. I don\'t want to be forced to join him in another full-body exercise. But then again, it might be the last time I ever see him again." The young man heaved out another heavy sigh as his mood dipped further.

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