The Human Giant

Chapter 40 40: The Demon Egg

"Crr Crr Crr Crr," The squeaks grew louder and more numerous as blood-red eyes appeared from the shadows as they stared at Yoze and Jewel\'s souls.

"Blood Bats!" Jewel screamed with fear, hiding behind Yoze.

The hundreds of blood-red eyes filled the darkness as the squeaking grew giant bats flew out of the shadows with hunger and directly for Yoze and Jewel.

To the presence of these giant bats, Yoze didn\'t even frown as he stepped forward to confront the Blood Bats. Waiting for the closest bat to get into fighting range, Yoze tossed out a punch that weighed tens of pounds directly to the bat\'s head.


The moment Yoze\'s fist came into contact with the bat\'s skull it exploded into a Blood mist and the bat\'s body dropped to the floor. Before the bat\'s body touched the floor Yoze threw 10 more punches turning 10 more bat\'s heads into a bloody mist.

The blood of their companions seemed to have instead excited the Blood Bats as their squeaks grew louder and higher pitched. The Blood Bats came out of the shadows in sizes of pairs of dozens, nearly taking up every inch of the cavern due to their immense size.

The larger the group of Blood Bats the faster and harder Yoze threw his punches and eventually he switched from throwing regular punches in fashion for his Twin Fists rapid combos.

"Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh!"

The more Blood Bats showed up the faster Yoze\'s fists became and soon it appeared to Jewel that he seemed to have grown five sets of arms and three heads as each one of his fists killed more than 10 Blood Bats per second.  The corpses of hundreds of Blood Bats piled up forcing Yoze to move deeper into the cave to avoid getting crushed by the mere bodies of Blood Bats.

The more Yoze killed it seemed that two more Blood Bats appeared to spawn to take their place. There seemed to be a never-ending supply of Blood Bats.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as Yoze\'s Koi Fist combo crossed the hundred mark, just the shockwave coming from his punches killed tens of Blood Bats and turned their bodies into a bloody fog. An hour quickly passed and Yoze had to reset his Koi Fists combo several times but his lethality never decreased as he got used to how these Blood Bats moved and his dense swarms of Blood Bats became he could always kill several with one punch.

From Jewel\'s point of view, it was like there was an invisible barrier behind Yoze that the Blood Bats could never get through. The number of Blood Bats\' corpses on the floor alone would have been enough to destroy towns and required a small army to deal with but they were all taken care of by one man.

A man that seemed to be more machine than human at this point as he never seemed to be the slightest bit tired. He even looked bored as he mindlessly slaughtered these terrifying creatures.

Eventually, the swarm of Blood Bats began to thin out before the last Blood Bat had its body crushed into a bloody pulp. At this point, Yoze\'s clothes were covered in blood, and the cave stench was bloody metallic.

However, Yoze smelled something incredibly refreshing coming from deeper in the cave behind the smell of blood. At this point, Yoze knew that whatever was making that smell must be extraordinary. Not even hidden by the enormous amount of blood in the air, this smell had to be coming from his Spiritual Sensing talent.

The only other experience that Yoze had with such a strong smell was the stench of Death. Compared to the smell of rotting corpses, Yoze much preferred the smell of freshly cut grass.

"Let\'s go deeper,"

"Really? I think that you killed everything in here. " Puzzled by Yoze\'s persistence to go deeper, Jewel could help but ask why.

"I smell something coming from deeper inside the cave and it\'s either a really good thing or something really bad. Either way, I need to check it out to confirm." Not knowing how to explain his caution against any kind of persistent smell, Yoze just chalked it up to him smelling something.

"Okay, I\'ll follow your lead boss!" Not wanting to be left alone, Jewel picked up whatever courage she had left and followed behind Yoze.

To their surprise, the cave did not continue for much longer before they reached a large space that had a large egg that was half the size of an adult human. The egg occasionally trembles as whatever large creature inside the egg was attempting to hatch.

In Yoze\'s point of view surrounding this large egg was a swirling white most that covered the entire egg. As the egg quivered and shook some of the white was absorbed into the egg.

A mere sniff of the white most made Yoze\'s muscles relax as he felt energized. If the scent of rotting corpses was the stench of death then this fragrance was the smell of life.

"For this egg to be absorbing this spiritual fragrance must mean that the creature inside is blessed by the heavens. I need to see if it has any extraordinary talents."

"Toss a Talent mark on whatever is inside that egg." Throwing out his only Talent Mark, Yoze was full of excitement.

[Name: Srikeagu Serpent]

[Age: Processing]

[Talents: Spiritual Sensing (Grade 6), Serpent Spiritual Body Cultivation (Grade 10), Flexibility (Grade 10)]

"Holy shoot! That sounds like a demonic name for something that seems so blessed." Yoze thought to himself before his eyes widened when he noticed the egg\'s talents.

"This thing is blessed! It has two Grade 10 talents and a grade 6 Spiritual Sensing talent! I need to capture whatever is inside this egg." Yoze felt his heart race as he focused on the various talents of this creature to make the best decision.

"I can improve my Spiritual Sensing talent. So far it has been a great addition to my talents even when I have the lowest grade version of it. "

"But I could choose the Serpent Spiritual Body Cultivation talent."

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